

Why this Homepage about Møn?

Some of you might wonder why I have made this homepage about Møn, and why I am still working on it...

Well it all started when I participated in a Computer class for unemployed (Nov 1996-Jan 1997) and as a finalwork we had to make some kind of a project, it could be anything, as long as we used the computer for the documentation of it all.

I thought It would be a great opportunity to learn HTML-programming and to study my home-island Møn more thoroughly and in the same time tell about the island to others. I then started to read some books about HTML so that I could figure out what it was all about.

When I had read about HTML and tried it out, and saw that it wasnøt that big a deal - that it just was time consuming, I realised that I could do it if I used all my sparetime as well.(I had 10 weeks!)
I then send a fax to the Tourist office on Møn asking if they could send me some material, and they did...a lot in fact!

After I had gone through the material and made up a rough plan about how I should manage it all, I sat down and began a project I never thought would be finished. (Well it is not yet finished to this day, so...)

Well the project was finished in time, but as a final goal I wanted it out on the Internet. I had been out looking for information about Møn on the Net and only found some Sites, with very little information about my beloved Møn, so I had to do something about it. But as I didn't want to do anything illegal I had to ask for permission first for using the pictures from the Tourist-booklets etc. I called the Tourist Office and asked one of the employees if it would be a problem. Well for the project itself it would't, but for use on the Internet, the boss had to decide. He weren't there so I left my telephone number so that he could call the next day. He didn't and I am not that kind of person that calls back to nack...
So I had to wait with the Internet premiere until I had gotten some pictures of Møn myself. In April 1997 me and my husband went on a holiday to Møn to visit my family (almost my entire family lives on Møn!) and to take pictures.

The 13th of May 1997 the homepage about Møn was finally out on the Internet, and ever since then there has been added both text and pictures, and it has changed looks a couple of times too!

I have gotten myself a very good friend through this Møn page. You will find that he has contributed with both pictures and text to this homepage and has searched almost every inch of Møn to find every singel ancient monument known to man, and while doing so he has been attacked by the hellish hounds of Karensby and gotten lost in the woods of Bogø or was it Stubberup Have? I do not remember.
He never the less deserves a big credit for it!
Thanks Joachim Henkel!

Through this time the Site has been out on the Net, I've also gotten letters from: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, USA, Hawaii, New Zealand and Italy.
I enjoy getting these e-mails. It really makes it worth it, when I know that others than myself reads what I have written.

In march of 2006 our house burned down to the ground and all my books and collected material about Møn perished in the flames, so I haven't really done anything on the site since then. In time I will begin to maintain this site again, but until then please enjoy the existing material.

Big "thank you's" to:

Joachim Henkel, JHe - Photos, Text and Support

Klaus Henkel, KHe- Photos

Mats Eric Persson, MEP- Photos

Ray Hansen, RH - Photos

John Erik Ipsen - Photos of Nyord Church

Annie Jæger - Author of "Silderuten"

...and my family on Møn (especially my mom) for always being there, when I am not...


Møns Beskrivelse, Historisk - Topografisk beskrivelse over Møn, J. Jensen 1866
(My own copy - gone in the fire - not found again)

Af Møns Historie, Den forhistoriske tid, Frede Bojsen 1905
(My own copy - damaged in the fire, but readable)

These two books mentioned above is hard to get hold of. I found my copies in an antique-bookshop in Copenhagen via the Internet.

Klintholm Gods - 200 år i slægten Scavenius' eje, Bente, Peter & Alette Scavenius (ISBN 87-7717-148-9)
(Gone in the fire)

Liselund på Møn - En Vejledning, Sven-Ingvar Andersson & Inge Mejer Antonsen (ISBN 87-983277-0-4)
(Gone in the fire)

Liselund, Bente Scavenius & Ole Woldbye (ISBN 87-21-00171-5)
(Gone in the fire)

Møn - naturen rundt, Lis Ravnsted-Larsen (ISBN 87-14-20081-3)
(Gone in the fire)

Møn, Robert Trojaborg Andersen (?- try the local bookstores on Møn)
(Gone in the fire)

Resens Atlas, Møn, Udgivet af Henrik Hertig (ISBN 87-7492-786-8)
(Gone in the fire, but I have bought a new copy of it)

Silderuten - en historisk byvandring i Stege, Annie Jæger (can be bought at Møns Touristoffice)
(Gone in the fire)

"Ferieøen Møn 2000/2001" Tourist-paper.
Obtainable at the Tourist office in Stege.
(Gone in the fire)

...articles found in newspapers, magazines and out on the Web...

The welcome stone after the bridge across Ulvsund from Sjælland to Møn
Welcome to Møn!
The welcome stone after the bridge across Ulvsund from Sjælland to Møn Joachim Henkel, 1992