

The History of Møn

Møn after the last Iceage

For about 15.000 years ago the climate began getting warmer after the last Iceage and the living conditions in the area that would become Møn slowly improved. But the ice did not leave without first moulding and creating Møns Klint. Though the weather was harsh in the later part of the last Iceage both mammoths and bears lived in the area, remains of these animals have been found on Møn. Now go on to the Older Stone Age and see what happened next...

The Palaeolithic Age, Older Stoneage,   - 6800 BCE
- The Maglemose Culture, 9000 - 6800 BCE

The Mesolithic Age, 6800 - 3900 BCE
- The Kongemose Culture, 6800 - 5400 BCE
- The Ertebølle Culture, 5400 - 3900 BCE

The Neolithic Age, Younger Stoneage, 3900 - 1700 BCE.
- The Barrow Period, 3900 - 3300 BCE
- The Passage Grave Period, 3300 - 2800 BCE
- The One-Man Grave Period, 2800 - 2400 BCE
- "Dolktid" The flintstone dagger period, 2400 - 1700 BCE

The Bronze Age 1700 - 500 BCE
- The Old Bronzage 1700 - 1000 BCE
- The Younger Bronzeage 1000 - 500 BCE

The Iron Age 500 BCE - 800 CE
- The Celtic Period 500 - 0 BCE
- The Roman Period 0 - 400 CE
- The Germanic Period 400 - 800 CE

The Viking Age 800 - 1050 CE and The 11th century

12th century

13th century

14th century
- The Plague 1348 - 50

15th century

16th century
- Late Medieval Period 1500 - 1536
- The Reformation 1536

17th century
- Von Plessen

18th century
- "The Princess"

19th century

20th century

21st century

Stege´s history

Sayings, Myths etc...

The Møn Dress

Corrections made: 2/9-2005
Provstestræde i Stege, one of the old streets in Stege
Provstestræde i Stege, one of the old streets in Stege Eric Persson 1997