The Iron Age
500 BCE - 800 CE
The Celtic Period
About 500 - 150; 0 BCE, during the Celtic period of the Iron age, urn/cremation
graves were still used, but the bones were not cleaned as they were in the late Bronze age and they can be found
together with remains
of coal. Most often no urn was used. Not many findings have been made on Møn
but evidence tells us that bronze was imported from southern countries and the
Celtic culture had a big influence on the area.
The Roman Period
During the Roman period of the Iron age, about 0 - 400 CE, the import of Roman
handicraft products and valuables in silver, bronze and
gold had taken over after the Celtic period. Graves from this period have been
found at Katrinedal (excavated by Dr. S. Müller) between Stege and Keldby,
Slotshøj near Keldby and at Askeby.
The Germanic Period
The Germanic period of the Iron age begins about 400 CE but no trace of this
period has been found on Møn.
Corrections made: 16/3-2003