When entering the higher part of Møn - "Opsal" - after the small village Borre, you are entering
the kingdom of "Klintekongen" (King of the Cliff) also known as "The Giant Opsal". It
was believed that he was a successor of the god Odin by the citizens of Møn.
It is said that he lived in two caves in Møns Klint, one for himself and
one for his dog and white horse and his queen had her throne at "Dronningestolen" (the queens throne) on
top of Klinten.
As long as he guarded the island no one could invade it. It was said that he rode in the shape of a bird on his
horse though the villages and the forest to save Møn from foreign raids. He could turn the stones on the
beach and the forest trees into warriors if he needed to.
"Klintekongen" was a helper for those in need, but if anybody got to close to his private quarters he
would trick them. It is said that "Klintekongen" had a mysterious garden a bit from the shore of
Klinten (=Møns Klint) that only could be seen from the edge of the cliff. The garden were a lovely place
with the most delicious fruittrees, especially one with big red apples. But any attempt of picking one of those
apples were bound to fail. When and if anyone got down to the spot where they thought they had seen the garden
they would only find juniper, thicket and hawthorn.
There is also many sayings about "The Giant Upsals Spring". Those who had encountered it could not
find it again when they returned to the place.
Møn´s farmers has within the memory of man, sacrificed the last truss to "Klintekongens"
horse, so that is should do no harm.
"Klintekongen" lived on friendly terms with his colleague of Stevns, called "Helge"
or "Heding" and it is said that they went out on warfares against common enemies and the
pirate Grap of Ruegen.
But it is also know that "Klintekongen" did not like Møn´s other ruler
"Grønjæger" very much and they had a lot of feuds against each other.
There are many stories about "Klintekongens" encounters with ordinary people. Many of them tells us
about how poor people got wealthy after giving the thirsty "Klintekonge" beer while he took a break
during one of his wild horseback rides around the island. It is said that he still rides on his horse around
"Kongsbjerg" right outside Klinteskoven in Mandemarke Bakker.
The successor to "Klintekongen", called "Huno" build his castle near Hunosø
where it stood until the year 722. Around this area a lot of places are named after him, such as Hunohøj,
Hunoherrens Agre, Stejle Hunofald etc.
It is said that he was a strange but clever consultant to the King Harald Hildestand who is said to have
armed up with six other, smaller kings to fight with King Harald against the Swedish King Ring. A reward
for his heroic action and loyal service Huno got a golden sword and other precious gifts.
But then again he was also known as a pirate chief for many years and made a great name and gathered a fortune. He
then left the land taking the majority of the younger population with him to Italy. this was during the reign of
King Snios and when famine came over Denmark and Møn. Lots of brave men, the world famous historical
Langobards, went south where Huno joined them. On the leave he said that his coat-of-arms should hang above
the ports of Rome!
Behind Møn´s highest point "Aborrebjerget" in Klinteskoven lies a big stone called
"Svantese-stenen". The legend tells us that a witch from Rügen hated the chiming of the bells from
Magleby Church so much that she picked up a stone from the beach and
with the help of her garter she slung it against the church. The stone though only hit one of the two towers of
the church and landed in Klinteskoven.
Liselund was created by Antoine Bosc de la Calmette, owner of the manor
Marienborg, to his beloved wife Lise. They did however die in a very young age and due to this could not
see how the place grew into a beautiful park.
It is said that Lise Calmette still walks around in the park as the "White Lady" and keeps an eye on the
caretaking of the park and the buildings in it.
Witchery and Ghost Stories
Superstition was very common amongst the ordinary people.
People who lived near Klinteskoven did not dare to enter it because of the presens of Klintekongens ghost.
Another story about ghost encounters is this about Margrethe Skjeldvigs who lived on Østerhøj
(a hill near Stege). One day she was going to Elmelunde castle to get bridal jewellery but on the way she met an
old woman which stopped her and asked where she was going, Margreteh responded: "To Elmelunde castle to get
bridal jewellery." The old woman the said: "You do not need to go there. Come to this place on Saturday,
then you will get what you need." Margrethe asked for the old woman name but was told that that was not
important. Said and done she got all the bridal jewellery she needed. "when shall I give it back?"
Margrethe wondered -"In 8 days at this very same place. Should you never see me again, you may keep it all
for yourself. So, now I cannot stay any longer, it darkens and thunder is coming from the east". She
vanished. The following Saturday Margrethe did not see the old woman any more and she could keep everything for
This naive legend is a lively story on the belief in the age of ghosts. Torments and witch burnings are the
darker side of those beliefs, in the 15th century Grethe Rebers of Kokseby was burnt as a witch...
Hidden Treasures
A man from Møn who once was in Stralsburg learned from a thief, which was bound to be hanged, that a
treasure was buried under the stones in Grimsdalen. He went home and told it to the sexton Mikkel in Magleby
who pretended to know nothing, but secretly and alone went to the place and carefully dug the treasure up.
Johannes, one of his sons, later became mayor of Stege and he was said to have been a well respected and
wealthy man.
Additional text contributed by J Henkel
Bracken leaf in the sun, Klintholm forest Joachim Henkel.